Peace from Within

marți, decembrie 30, 2008



Sing in the shower – Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated – Watch a sunrise at least once a year – Leave the toilet seat in the down position – Never refuse homemade brownies – Strive for excellence, not perfection – Plant a tree on your birthday – Learn three clean jokes – Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full – Compliment three people everyday – Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them – Resist the temptation to praise yourself – Don’t boast about tomorrow – Leave everything a little better than you found it – Keep it simple – Think big thoughts but relish small treasures – Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know – Floss your teeth – Ask for a raise when you feel you have earned it – Be forgiving of yourself and others – Overtip breakfast waitresses – Say ‘thank you’ a lot – Say ‘please’ a lot – Avoid negative people – Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards – Wear polished shoes – Return your phone calls and emails promptly – Remember other people’s birthdays – Commit yourself to constant improvement – Carry jumper cables in your trunk – Be a good listener – When asked for help, be available, whether a menial or very important thing -- Have a firm handshake – Send lots of Valentine cards. Sign them, ‘Someone who thinks you are terrific’ – Look people in the eye – Be the first to say, ‘Hello’ – Use the good silver – Return all things you borrow – Make new friends but cherish the old ones – Keep secrets – Sing in a choir – Plant flowers every spring – Have a pet – Always accept an outstretched hand – Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life -- Wave at kids on school busses – Be there when people need you – Feed a stranger’s expired parking meter – Do not expect life to be fair – Never underestimate the power of love – Do a kind deed for no reason at all – Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation – Don’t be afraid to say, ‘I made a mistake’ – Don’t be afraid to say, ‘I don’t know’ – Compliment even small improvements – Keep your promises (no matter what) – Marry only for love – Rekindle old friendships – Count your blessings – Take time to encourage others --Call your parent(s).


Simply put be all that you can be in the upcoming year. We are all special in our own way. Work on all those wonderful gifts and talents that lie within you and prosper and be happy...

God Bless You!

Love and Hugz

duminică, decembrie 28, 2008

luni, decembrie 22, 2008

The Dance Of Goat (Dansul Caprei)

The goat who dances ? Yes, see the best funny video. "The Dance of Goat", New Year Traditions (31 Dec - 01 Ian., every year), Baltatesti Village, Neamt County, Romania.

Guinness Book la Bucuresti - 3.939 Mosi Craciuni

Bucurestiul si-a inscris numele in Cartea Recordurilor, azi 21 decembrie 2008.

3.939 persoane costumate in Mosi Craciuni s-au strâns in Piata Constitutiei pentru a dobori vechiul record inregistrat la Taipei, la care au participat doar 3.300 de Mosi.

Primarul general al Capitalei, Sorin Oprescu, a primit din partea reprezentantei Guinness World Record certificatul noului record mondial, omologat la categoria „cei mai multi Mosi Craciuni care împart cadouri si i-a felicitat pe organizatorii actiunii care au reusit sa doboare vechiul record de 3.618 Mosi Craciuni, realizat la Taipei. Edilul-sef al Capitalei a multumit celor prezenti, precum si reprezentantei Guinness World Record, care „a avut rabdarea sa numere atâtia Mosi Craciuni, si a apreciat ca rezolvat o prima problema importanta pentru oras: „Bucuresteni, o chestiune am rezolvat-o: suntem în Cartea Recordurilor, a anuntat Sorin Oprescu în fata multimii adunate in Piata Constitutiei.

Cei aproximativ 4.000 de Mosi Craciuni au plecat în mars, în jurul orei 13.00, din Piata Constitutiei spre Piata Unirii. Fiecare personaj a primit câte o cutie rosie plina de cadouri, de la Coca Cola, care apoi au fost împartite trecatorilor de pe intreg traseul marsului. Conditiile impuse de Guinness World Record au fost ca la adunare sa participe peste 3.000 de Mosi Craciuni, care sa împarta daruri ambalate în cutii rosii.

The Xmas Romanian Goat (Capra)

vineri, decembrie 19, 2008

Xmas Decoration

May joy and happiness snow on you, may the bells jingle for you and may Santa be extra good to you! Merry Christmas! Hugs, Shanti

Xmas Wreath

One thing that truly signifies the arrival of Christmas is the beautiful Christmas wreaths that are hung outside everyone's houses. Available in a plethora of designs, styles, colors and makes, these wreaths go a long way in making your home look wonderful on Christmas. For those who want a touch of elegance and tradition in their Christmas decoration, Christmas wreaths are the best bet for you. Here you have some examples. Pick up one for your taste.

Merry Xmas to You!

duminică, decembrie 14, 2008

Romanian Xmas Traditions

"O, ce veste minunata" - Stefan Hrusca

In Romania, the winter holiday season is truly in full-swing from December 24 to January 7. Highlights include: Christmas Day, New Year and Epiphany, with their respective eves. The most important feature of these celebrations is their unique variety of colorful Romanian customs, traditions, and believes, of artistic, literary, musical, and other folklore events, which make the winter holidays some of the most original and spectacular spiritual manifestations of the Romanian people.

Children of all ages go from house to house singing Christmas carols, or through the streets on New Year's Eve reciting congratulatory verse. The whole traditional village participates in waists, although mostly children practice this custom.

The Caroling called ColindatulTraditionally, during the first hours after dark on Christmas' Eve is the time for children to go caroling and the adults stay home to greet them. As they go caroling from house to house, the children receive treats like candy, fruit, baked treats and sometimes even money in appreciation of their performance and as a sign of holiday good will.The grown-ups caroling goes on Christmas evening and night. The waits -young and mature people - gather in groups and they choose a leader. When they are in the front yard of a house, they perform their repertory to the host. The songs are always accompanied by dance. When the performance is over, the host invites the carolers inside the house for food, drinks and presents.

The Star Carol * Steaua*

Children make a star using colored paper and then they put in its middle an icon of Jesus. Many of children decorate their star using shiny tinsel. The “Star Carol” is a tradition during the 3 days of Romanian Christmas. While holding the star in the hands the children sing:"The star has appeared on high, Like a big secret in the sky, The star is bright, May all your wishes turn out right…

"The Goat Tradition * Capra*

Throughout the season, teenagers and young adults especially enjoy caroling with the “Goat”. The “Goat” is actually a usually boisterous young person dressed up in a goat costume. The whole group dances through the streets and from door to door, often with flute music. This tradition comes from the ancient Roman people and it reminds us of the celebration of the ancient Greek gods. This custom is also called "brezaia" in Wallachia and Oltenia, because of the multicolored appearance of the goat mask. The goat jumps, jerks, turns round, and bends, clattering regularly the wooden jaws.

Bear Custom * Ursul*

This custom is known only in Moldavia, a part of Romania, on the Christmas Eve. In this case a young person dresses up in a bear costume adorned with red tassels on its ears, on his head and shoulders. The person wearing the bear costume is accompanied by fiddlers and followed by a whole procession of characters, among them a child dressed-up as the bear's cub. Inspired by the crowd’s singing:"Dance well, you old bear, And I’ll give you bread and olives",the bear grumbles and imitates the steps of the bear, striking strongly against the earth with the soles of its feet to the sound of drums and pipes.

The Little Plough * Plugusorul*

Plugusorul is a small plough. In Romanian folklore is a traditional procession with a decorated plough, on New Years' Eve. This is a well wishing custom for the field fruitfulness into the new year. This custom arises from "Carmen arvale", a Roman wish for bountiful crops.The ploughmen are teenagers and children carrying whips, bells and pipes in their hands.

Mâine anul se-nnoieşte,
Pluguşorul se porneşte
Şi-om începe a ura,
Pe la case a colinda.
Iarna-i grea, omătu-i mare,
Semne bune anul are;
Semne bune de belşug,
Pentru brazda de sub plug.


Sorcova" is a special bouquet used for New Year's wishes early New Year’s morning. Children wish people a “Happy New Year!” while touching them lightly with this bouquet. After they have wished a Happy New Year to the members of their family, the children go to the neighbors and relatives. Traditionally, the "Sorcova" bouquet was made up of one or several fruit - tree twigs (apple-tree, pear-tree, cherry-tree, plum-tree); all of them are put into water, in warm place, on November 30th (St. Andrew’s Day), in order to bud and to blossom on New Year's Eve.

Sorcova, vesela,
Sã trãiti, sã-mbãtrâniti,
Ca un mãr, ca un pãr,
Ca un fir de trandafir,
Tare ca piatra,
Iute ca sãgeata,
Tare ca fierul,
Iute ca otelul,
Peste varã, primavarã,
Nici capul sã nu te doarã,
La anu' si la multi ani !

Merry Sorcova,
May your health be strong
And you life long:
As an apple tree
As a pear stately
As a rose bush fair
Blossoming beyond compare:
Strong as a granite rock
Quick as an arrow’s shock
Hard as an iron bar
Tougher than steel by far,
Over summer, over spring,
May your health be great
A New Year with happiness
And in everything success.

Nowadays people often use an apple-tree or pear-tree twig decorated with flowers made up of colored paper. The children receive all kinds of treats such as: cakes, honeycombs, biscuits, pretzels, candies, nuts, money.

Merry Xmas Everyone! Hugs, Shanti

joi, decembrie 11, 2008

Color Xmas Tree

Friends forever are hard to find and even harder to hold on to. Christmas is a time of the year, when friends come down from far and wide to cherish their long fruitful relationships. Christmas is a time to forgive and forget. So if you have had a break up with your long time friend, this is the time to patch up.

Happy Xmas,

Funny & Sexy Xmas

Another Day, another Year, another Smile, another Tear, another Winter... May lovely Happy Time, decorate this time of the season. May Warm, Special Memories Brighten Your New Year, may the Wonder of Xmas Be With You Forever!

Hugs, Shanti

miercuri, decembrie 10, 2008

Magic Night by Marie Minxova

Under the dark veil
of the night
my heart exploded
and burst
into millions of stars.
I´m blissfully burning
in the dazzling flames.
I´m flying
and floating
and falling
and rising…
Where is the Earth?
And where´s the Heaven?
Angelic choirs
have started their hymns,
heavenly harps
and guitars
are playing,
and I am singing
a glorious song,
sitting on Cloud No.7.

Have a magical nite,
Hugs, Shanti

duminică, decembrie 07, 2008

Mos Craciun (Santa Claus)

Dedicat copiilor din lumea intreaga :)))

Dedicated to all children :)))

When Santa Claus Comes (author unknown)

A good time is coming,
I wish it were here,
The very best time
In the whole of the year;
I'm counting each day
On my fingers and thumbs--
The weeks that must pass
Before Santa Claus comes.

Then when the first snowflakes
Begin to come down,
And the wind whistles sharp
And the branches are brown,
I'll not mind the cold,
Though my fingers it numbs,
For it brings the time nearer
When Santa Claus comes.

Rovaniemi - The City's Santa Claus

Rovaniemi (Finland) named also the city's Santa Claus is situated close to the Arctic Circle and between the hills of Ounasvaara and Korkalovaara, at the confluence of the Kemijoki River and its tributary, the Ounasjoki River.

A phenomenon also attracting numerous tourists is the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. In Finnish Lapland the number of auroral displays can be as high as 200 a year whereas in southern Finland the number is usually fewer than 20.

Xmas Fireplace

Friends forever are hard to find and even harder to hold on to. Christmas is a time of the year, when friends come down from far and wide to cherish their long fruitful relationships. Christmas is a time to forgive and forget. So if you have had a break up with your long time friend, this is the time to patch up.

Let it snow!

It is Christmas in the heart,
That puts Christmas in the air. (W.T. Ellis)

So Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

sâmbătă, decembrie 06, 2008

Anca Parghel intre Cer si Pamant...

Anca Parghel, o voce aparte a jazz-ului romanesc

Cântăreaţa de jazz Anca Parghel, a încetat din viaţă, vineri dimineaţă 3 decembrie 2008, la un spital din Timişoara, la vârsta de 51 de ani. A fost una dintre cele mai importante voci ale muzicii româneşti, profesoară de jazz şi canto şi colegă de scenă cu artişti de prestigiu din ţară şi din străinătate.

Anca Parghel s-a născut în Câmpulung Moldovenesc, pe 16 septembrie 1957. Înzestrată cu o voce ieşită din comun, care cuprindea patru octave, dar şi cu talentul de a scrie muzică, a început să compună de la vârsta de 10 ani, iar un an mai târziu participa deja la concursuri naţionale, unde cânta arii din opere celebre.

Cântăreaţa şi-a făcut studiile la Iaşi, unde a absolvit Liceul de Muzică şi Conservatorul, cu lucrarea de licenţă cu lucrarea Charlie Parker, un geniu al improvizaţiei. Contactul cu muzica jazz avea să aibă loc odată cu întâlnirea cu pianistul Ion Baciu Jr., la Iaşi, după examenul de la Conservator.

Începând cu 1984, a cântat la marile festivaluri de jazz din ţară - la Bucureşti, Braşov, Sibiu, Costineşti, dar şi la cele din străinătate, în Leipzig, Varşovia, Leverkusen, Munchen şi Bratislava.

A realizat peste 10 albume şi a colaborat cu mari muzicieni ai lumii, printre care Larry Coryell, Archie Shepp, Peter Herbol, Paolo Radoni, Norma Winstone sau Tzeimer Bergali.

De-a lungul carierei, Anca Parghel a concertat alături de muzicieni români ca Johnny Răducanu, Mircea Tiberian, Garbis Dedeian, precum şi alături de nume celebre din jazz-ul mondial, printre care Billy Hart, Archie Shepp, Larry Coryell, Jean-Louis Rassinfosse, Phillip Catherine, Marc Levine, Claudio Roditi, Thomas Stanko, Ricardo del Fra şi Stephane Galland.

La catedră, a predat jazz vocal şi canto la Bruxelles, Koln, Linz, Leipzig,Munchen,Viena, Hannovra, New York şi la Conservatorul Regal Sisloe, din Marea Britanie.

Într-un interviu acordat publicaţiei Formula As, Anca Parghel spunea: Cred că nu eu am ales muzica, ci muzica m-a ales pe mine. Cântăreaţa mai mărturisea că, pe scenă, se simte cel mai bine alături de cei doi fii ai săi, Ciprian (chitară bas) şi Tudor (percuţie).

Santa Nicholas has come in town

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Holy Bishop St. Nicholas lived faraway
Near the Aegean Sea is where Turkey did lay.
Travel back with us now to a time long ago.
We will visit his country, his life we will know.

We remember this saint, such a holy, good man.
Be like him in charity, do all that you can.
Many miracles Nicholas hastened to do,
Helping people in need with gifts that were new.

click to comment

Bishop Nicholas traveled to Nicea town,
Where the Creed would be written, to us handed down.
During church every Sunday, we stand for the Creed.
Thank you Bishop St. Nicholas, for doing this deed.

Sailors tossed in the wind and the storms of the sea,
Saw a vision of Nicholas who guided them free.
Now patron of sailing, they remember him yet.
Many icons and pictures with fisherman's net.

Giving money to poor girls, so marry could they,
Made our Nicholas famous, remembered today.
With dowry in hand, soon they were wed.
"God bless you and keep you," St. Nicholas said.

Kid's patron in Germany, Netherlands, too.
Asks that presents be given to children like you.
Their customs are different: they put out their shoes—
Filling them with toys, his coming's good news!

Here stockings are hung by the chimney with care,
In hope that St. Nicholas soon will come there.
Dressed as bishop or Santa, he's one and the same—
Jolly, friendly, good man, we're glad that he came.

French card, St NicolasCall him "Santa" or "saint," they both mean the same,
For his nickname is Claus, short for Nicholas' name.
Giving gifts was his custom—we still do today.
Deeds done in Jesus' name forever will stay.

Bishop Nicholas still is a hero to all.
Christmas Day, and all others we follow his call,
Bringing gifts and some joy to children in need.
Follow Nicholas today—do a good deed.

click to comment Kisses from Shanti :))***

joi, decembrie 04, 2008

Xmas Magic House

"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace." (Agnes M. Pahro)

Blue & Silver Xmas Tree

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." (Norman Vincent Peale)

marți, decembrie 02, 2008

Toughts for a wise time

Standing on the edge

chinese proverb says

If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day – go fishing.
If you want happiness for a month – get married.
If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime – help someone else.

Have a wise time, dear friends. Hugs, Shanti