Peace from Within

vineri, martie 27, 2009

Anti Dacă de Kostas Varnalis (după "If" de R.Kipling)

Kostas Varnalis (1884-1974) a fost romancier şi poet grec. Opera sa include: Lumina care arde (1922), Poemele scalvilor asediaţi (1927), şi Adevarata apologie a lui Socrate (1933)(o lucrare în proză).

Mi se pare un duel interesant si chiar daca se vrea a fi "Anti-Daca"
inalul anuleaza antiteza :)))

ANTI – IF by Kostas Varnalis

If you can fool yourself when someone else hits you,
Pretending him a wise man and never you blame him;
If you don’t trust nobody and no one’s trusting you,
Forgive your sin is easy, but never others’ sins.

If you respite the evil no single moment and
You lie louder and louder when other people lie;
If you’re enjoying hitting the love with hate and though
Pretend to have a wise and even saint good side.

If you move like a worm and never fly with dreams,
And interest is always up to your highest aim;
If you leave the defeated for the winner all times,
Though both of them betraying is your standing desire.

If you can gain a thousand for every little gift
And mother land to play at cards is not a heavy act;
If you don’t pay a penny as duty you have made,
As for being you paid is always right and fair.

If you can urge your thinking and heart and even nerves,
Ill – old all them to make some new and evil acts;
And indecision bowing low deserves from you as serve,
When all bawl “Forward!” you’re the only crying “Back!”.

If you reject the evil no single time or plot
And in its shadow feel like in a saint life tree shade;
Yours will be whole Earth and all its gifts and mines,
You’ll be the first of masters, but never MAN, be sure!

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