Peace from Within

duminică, iulie 26, 2009

A new week :)


The greatest freedom is freedom from the illusion that we are not already free

Luquillo inn beach morning clouds 2008 jun 11 c

I’m on fire, my soul ignited with the flame of eternity, my hope is to warm your soul...


New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common. John Locke


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”—Nelson Mandela

I wish u a fulfill new week. Blessings to u. Shanti

2 comentarii:

roxana spunea...

M-au fascinat imaginile si mesajele transmise, mi-au bucurat sufletul si vreau sa-ti multumesc pentru aceste clipe speciale...
Sa ai o saptamana incarcata cu bucurii si multa inspiratie!

Shanti spunea...

@ roxana

dupa inspiratie, mama, asa cum simt, asa postez, nimic fals..

aceleasi urari sincere si tie.