Peace from Within

marți, noiembrie 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Day


More Than A Day by Karl Fuchs

As Thanksgiving Day rolls around,
It brings up some facts, quite profound.
We may think that we're poor,
Feel like bums, insecure,
But in truth, our riches astound.

We have friends and family we love;
We have guidance from heaven above.
We have so much more
Than they sell in a store,
We're wealthy, when push comes to shove.

So add up your blessings, I say;
Make Thanksgiving last more than a day.
Enjoy what you've got;
Realize it's a lot,
And you'll make all your cares go away.

Have a blessing thanksgiving day. Many hugs, Shanti

luni, noiembrie 24, 2008

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve - Sarajevo

The Hands Of Time by Beckie Martell

te amo Pictures, Images and Photos

The hands of time cannot erase
The thoughts of you and your embrace
The longing for a single kiss
Your touch, your voice, I always miss

The hands of time, like the rolling sea
Cannot wash away what you mean to me
My Heart, My Soul, I'll give to you
The greatest Love I ever knew

The hands of time, that past so fast
My Love for you will always last
To be together, is on my mind
This special love, is one of a kind

The hands of time, We cannot turn back
But Love and Devotion, you will never lack
I vow to you, You will always be
The only Man in my life for me

The hands of time, will stop one day
But there is one thing to you, I'll say
If I should go before you do
I'll be there waiting, for only you.

I wish u a lovely week. Your sincere friend Shanti

sâmbătă, noiembrie 22, 2008

Sweet Snowman

Frosty The Snowman :)))

For Kids & Adults - those who have not forgotten the baby hatch in their soul

vineri, noiembrie 21, 2008

Food for Spirit

click to comment

What matters is to live in the present, live now, for every moment is now. It is your thoughts and acts of the moment that create your future. The outline of your future path already exists, for you created its pattern by your past. (Sai Baba)


marți, noiembrie 18, 2008

Pleasure of wine ...

Butterfly Wine Pictures, Images and Photos

Good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used. (William Shakespeare)

Wine gives great pleasure; and every pleasure is of itself a good.

Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing. (Ernest Hemingway)


Cheers, my friends. Have a delightful autumn! Hugs, Shanti

duminică, noiembrie 16, 2008

Magical Bonsai's Color

Bonsai - an old & amazing Chinese & Japanese art!

Music: Zen Meditation

The Magical Green Bonsai

Beauty in bonsai can not be achieved if you do not have beauty within.(Onko Chishin)

Respect the old, know the new. (Japanese Saying)

vineri, noiembrie 14, 2008

Salvador Dali - Art & Muse

We are all hungry and thirsty for concrete images.
Abstract art will have been good for one thing:
to restore its exact virginity to figurative art.

(Salvador Dali)

All quotes from video belongs to Salvador Dali

Halfway Down by Rebecca

Halfway down the stairs
is a stair
where i sit.
there isn't any
other stair
quite like
i'm not at the bottom,
i'm not at the top;
so this is the stair
I always


Halfway up the stairs
Isn't up
And it isn't down.
It isn't in the nursery,
It isn't in town.
And all sorts of funny thoughts
Run round my head.
It isn't really

It's somewhere else

Hugs for u, Shanti

joi, noiembrie 13, 2008

Filosofia socanta a lui Patapievici

Horia-Roman Patapievici este un scriitor controversat, un fizician, filosof si eseist contemporan.

Nascut pe 18 martie 1957 in Bucuresti, in prezent Patapievici este presedinte al Institutului Cultural Roman, post in care a fost instalat de presedintele Traian Basescu.

Dispretul pentru romani

Ca eseist, Patapievici a socat prin parerea sa despre poporul si limba romana.

Radiografia plaiului mioritic este ca a fecalei: o umbra fara schelet, o inima ca un cur, fara sira spinarii. Toata istoria, mereu, peste noi a urinat cine a vrut. Cand i-au lasat romanii pe daci in formula hibrida straromaneasca, ne-au luat la urina slavii: se cheama ca ne-am plamadit din aceasta clisa, daco-romano-slavi; ma rog.

Apoi ne-au urinat la gard turcii: era sa ne inecam, asa temeinic au facut-o. Demnitatea noastra consta in a ridica mereu gura zvantata, iar ei reincepeau: ne zvantam gura la Calugareni, ne-o umpleau iar la Razboieni, si asa mai departe, la nesfarsit.

Apoi ne-au luat la urina rusii, care timp de un secol si-au incrucisat jetul cu turcii, pe care, in cele din urma, avand o basica a udului mai mare (de, betiile…), i-au dovedit. Noi ne-am zvantat putin intre 1866 si 1940, cu intermitente, apoi ne-au luat iar: acum insa, inovatie, au inceput sa urineze si unii romani peste romani, patriotii de la 1 ianuarie 1948, cand, ca la start, au inceput crimele in masa si deportarile.

Valea plangerii a fost transformata de romani pentru romani intr-o vale a urinei corosive. Care era mai smecher se suia pe capul vecinului si-l pisa. Si, cum toti romanii e destepti, urinarea a fost, din noul pasopt incoa’, generala.”

Un popor cu substanţă tîrîtă. Oriunde te uiţi, vezi feţe patibulare, ochi mohorîţi, maxilare încrîncenate, feţe urîte, guri vulgare, trăsături rudimentare.”

Românii nu pot alcătui un popor pentru că valorează cît o turmă: după grămadă, la semnul fierului roşu”.

“Puturosenia abisala a statutului suflet romanesc”

Româna este o limbă în care trebuie să încetăm să mai vorbim sau... să o folosim numai pentru înjurături.” (Politice, 1996)

„Eminescu este cadavrul nostru din debara, de care trebuie sa ne debarasam daca vrem sa intram in Uniunea Europeana” (Revista ROST, 2005)

Giant Chairs

miercuri, noiembrie 12, 2008

John Steinbeck Quotes

Blue Hen Falls in Autumn, Cuyahoga National Park, Ohio

A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us.

If you're in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones.

One can find so many pains when the rain is falling.

Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.

(quotes by John Steinbeck)

duminică, noiembrie 09, 2008

Gypsy Soul

When do we have a day of fast? When there is no bread and ham in the larder.

Where rich people can make honest money, poor people have to steal.

You don't kill a gypsy by cutting him in ten pieces -- you only make ten more gypsies. (Gypsy proverbs)

Music: Russian Gypsy Soul "Miteletsa"; Victor Busilyov & Siberian Gypsy "Dadoro"; Monica Anghel "Jelem, Jelem"

Old Things Are More Beautiful...

Hotel Renaissance Golden View Sharm el Shake Egypt 2006

Old things are more beautiful
than many things brand new
Because they bring fond memories
of things we used to do.

Old things are more beautiful,
more precious day-by-day.
Because they are the flowers
we planted yesterday.

Memories are heartbeats
Sounding through the years
Echoes never fading
Of our smiles and our tears.
Moments that are captured
Sometimes unaware
Pictured in an album
Or a lock of hair.

Memories are roses
Blooming evermore
Full of fragrant sweetness
Never known before.
Life must have a meaning
Goals for which to strive
Memories are lights that burn
To keep the heart alive.

For u, my precious friend,

vineri, noiembrie 07, 2008

Emotie de toamnă de Nichita Stanescu

A venit toamna, acopera-mi inima cu ceva,
cu umbra unui copac sau mai bine cu umbra ta.

Mă tem ca n-am să te mai vad, uneori,
ca or să-mi creasca aripi ascutite pana la nori,
ca ai să te ascunzi intr-un ochi strain,
si el o să se-nchida cu o frunza de pelin.

Si-atunci mă apropii de pietre si tac,
iau cuvintele si le-nec în mare.
Suier luna si o rasar si o prefac
intr-o dragoste mare.


Autumnal Emotion by Nichita Stanescu

Autumn has come, cover my heart with a shelter,
the shadow of a tree, or your own shadow better.

I fear that I'll see you no more, that I'll go,
That sharp wings to the clouds I will grow,
That in a strange eye you are going to hide
And the eye will shut close to lock you inside.

And then next to the rocks, silent me,
I drown all the words in the sea,
I call whistling the moon and I rise it above
And I change it into powerful love.

joi, noiembrie 06, 2008

A Creed To Live By

Don't undermine your worth
By comparing yourself with others.
It is because we are different
That each of us is special.
Don't set goals by what other people
deem important,
Only you know what is best for you.
Don't take for granted the things
Closest to your heart,
Cling to them as you would your life,
For without them life is meaningless.
Don't let your life slip through your fingers
By living in the past or for the future.
By living your life one day at a time,
You live all the days of your life.
Don't give up when you still have
something to give.
Nothing is really over
Until the moment you stop trying.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are
less than perfect.
It is this fragile thread
That binds us to each other.
Don't be afraid to encounter risks.
It is by taking chances
That we learn how to be brave.
Don't shut love out of your life
By saying it's impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love
is to give love,
The fastest way to lose love
Is to hold it too tightly,
And the best way to keep love
Is to give it wings.
Don't dismiss your dreams.
To be without dreams is to be without hope.
To be without hope is to be without purpose.
Don't run through life so fast
That you forget not only where you have been,
But also where you are going.
Life is not a race
But a journey to be savored
Each step of the way...

By: Nancye Sims

miercuri, noiembrie 05, 2008


Barack Obama - visul implinit al lui Martin Luther King Jr.

Yes, WE CAN!

Barack Obama a fost declarat invingator. El este al 44-lea presedinte al SUA! Recorduri atinse: cel mai tanar presedinte (si candidat) din istoria americana, primul negru care ocupa aceasta inalta functie, a convins peste 250.000 de americani sa voteze pentru prima oara in viata, a mobilizat electoratul sa se prezente la vot intr-un procent de peste 65%! si a cheltuit 1 miliard de dolari in campanie! Carisma sa extraordinara a adus beneficii inclusiv partidului democrat al carui membru este, care, datorita succesului sau enorm, a reusit sa ocupe cu o majoritate confortabila fotoliile Senatului american.

Barack Obama este perceput ca un pacifist, carismatic, energic, convingator, persuasiv, hotarat, cu priza la toate categoriile sociale, inovator radical al regimului politic american sfasiat de atatea razboaie inutile. Asteptarile sunt mari iar schimbarile se vor la fel de profunde si la fel de mari!

Programul sau a avut priza la electorat: bine structurat, pragmatic, direct, plin de solutii ce par a fi viabile, a atins aproape toate sectoarele de activitate si de interes incat fiecare american sau imigrant s-a regasit undeva intr-un rand. E adevarat ca echipa din campanie a fost una extrem de profesionista. Si-a ales oameni cu idei indraznete, sclipitori, tineri si maturi, buni finantisti, buni strategi, buni cunoscatori ai politicilor de mase. De la fiecare in parte a avut cate ceva de invatat iar discursurile sale s-au dovedit pur si simplu magnetice, electrizante. Iradia mereu. N-a clacat niciodata. A convins electoratul, fiecaruia i-a dat o speranta de mai bine, discursurile sale au reusit sa aduca la voturi un numar suplimentar de peste 250.000 de americani care nu isi exercitasera acest drept niciodata, i-a mobilizat extraordinar! Instantaneu indragit de tineri, iubit de studenti, adulat de imigranti si zeu pentru negri. Barack Obama trebuie sa confirme si sa demonstreze ca nimeni nu s-a inselat cand a optat pentru el, trecand chiar si peste vechile bariere rasiale. De data aceasta, americanii au ales OMUL nu culoarea politica, nu pielea, nu religia!

Negrii si-au vazut visul implinit. Visul Lui Martin Luther King s-a materializat prin Obama! Cine ar fi avut indrazneala sa viseze pana aici? Oh!, da, un scenarist a facut-o si asta intr-un film ce avea actiunea prin anul 2500 si ceva. Evident ca totul era o bascalie. Iata ca bascalia aia a devenit realitate! Afro-americanii plangeau de fericire, dantzuiau, se prindeau in hore, se imbratisau, asa cum faceam si noi la “revolutie”, cu diferenta ca la noi visul s-a dovedit o cacialma… Unul de-al lor a ajuns in topul topurilor mondiale. A ajuns Presedintele SUA! Este inca inimaginabil!

Barack Obama a invins cu un procent zdrobitor un alb, un amaricano-irlandez, fost soldat in Vietnam, fost si iarasi fost. A castigat cu peste 340 de voturi (validarea cerea un minim de 270). A demonstrat pentru prima oara in lume ca totusi, electoratul, daca este ferm convins de schimbarile promise in platformele program ale candidatilor, poate fi mobilizat si poate cu adevarat schimba un regim politic perimat, corupt, distrugator. Pentru asta e nevoie insa de convingere si nu vorbe!

Oare noi putem invata ceva din aceasta frumoasa lectie de democratie? Poate ca da, poate ca nu. Intrebarea care ramane agatata intr-un cui ruginit dar infipt bine in ochii romanului este ca NOI NU AVEM PE CINE ALEGE! NOI NU AVEM ALTERNATIVE! TOTI SUNT LA FEL DE CORUPTI. NIMENI NU VREA SA SCHIMBE NIMIC, indiferent de culoare politica, varsta, sex, religie….

Deoarece rasismul este inca o mare problema in SUA, imi pun intrebarea daca minunatul OM Barack Obama va reusi sa-si ia in primire mandatul de presedinte pe 20 ianuarie 2009 si daca va rezista pana la finalul sau? De altfel sunt convinsa ca acest om va reusi sa reaseze politica americana pe alte principii, abandonand principiile de sictir si dominatie mondiala practicate pana acum. Deja presedintii lumii cred ca in SUA a venit cu adevarat schimbarea mult asteptata. Daca Obama va reusi sa-si exercite mandatul neimpiedicat, sunt convinsa ca va reusi ceea ce nu a reusit nici un alt presedinte american. El va uni lumea dezbinata. Semnele deja incep sa apara. Sa nu uitam ca Obama este “detinatorul” unui ADN interesant - melanj de rase complet diferite: afro-american, kenyian, putin musulman si crestin. Va fi prieten cu arabii dar si cu amerindienii, asiaticii si alte natii. Intrevad un viitor frumos numai daca i se va permite sa faca ceea ce a promis ca va schimba! Dumnezeu si Allah sa-l ajute si sa-i binecuvanteze intreaga familie! Felicitari, Barack Obama!

Martin Luther King Jr. quotes

“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

“We must use time creatively.”

“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”

“The time is always right to do what is right.”

“Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ But conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but because conscience tells one it is right.”

“A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.”

Barack Obama quotes

“My first job is to say thank you to those who voted me.

Those who didn’t, I’m going to get your vote next time.”

“Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference.”

sâmbătă, noiembrie 01, 2008


Sa fie asta o noua fobie incidenta internautilor? Am intalnit pe net persoane care socializeaza foarte greu temandu-se de cei care-i abordeaza!! Mirare si nu numai! Acesti “internauti” considera ca orice persoana necunoscuta este periculoasa sau poate deveni un potential pericol. O fi o “dara” ramasa din educatia primita in copilarie cand parintii ne spuneau dojenitor “Sa nu vorbesti niciodata cu necunoscutii. Iti pot face mult rau, te pot rapi...” :))))

Frica nu duce la progres ci la stagnare si chiar regres. Este mai mult decat evident ca aceste persoane sufera de fobia necunoscutului si a celei fara obiect distinct!

Minciunile Albe

Se spune ca sunt si minciuni nevinovate si necesare (proverb arabesc). In Drumul catre tine insuti exista intotdeauna justificari suficiente pentru o “minciuna alba” (adica o minciuna care nu face rau nimanui).

Adevarurile fabricate sunt tot minciuni si tot o manifestare a fricii. Frica de efectul destabilizator pe care il poate avea adevarul.

De ce navigheaza unii pe net?

Nu stiu de ce unii navigheaza pe net? de ce isi fac bloguri? de ce cauta sa intre si sa se identifice cu o lume virtuala? De ce isi cauta prieteni ideali uitand insa ca prietenia asta este si ramane doar...virtuala? Acestia se rup complet de realitatea cotidiana. In clasa acestor naivi internauti intra, printre altii, adeptii curentului “Emo” care nu sunt intelesi sau cred ca nu sunt intelesi de cei din jur. Dar...excluzand “Emo” descopar si altii, neputand defini o categorie specifica de varsta.

DE CE SUNT eu pe net

- pentru a ma culturaliza, a ma implini spiritual, pentru a-mi largi cunostintele, imi place sa intalnesc persoane din toate tarile lumii (aspect ce in alte conditii nu s-ar fi realizat).

- pentru a ma relaxa si a cunoaste cat mai mult din tainele frumosului

- pentru a-mi exprima liber gandul, pentru a interrelationa cu cei pe care-i simt aproape de pretentiile mele intelectuale.

CE NU CAUT pe net

- Jumatatea virtuala;

- Flirt;

- sa ma enervez cu mitocanii – astia sunt destui si in viata reala;

- grupuri de barfe, razbunari si alte polemici gratuite.


- Comunicarea la un anumit grad de cultura. De aceea nu ma intereseaza cum arata fizic persoana cu care comunic, ce varsta are, ce profesie, atata vreme cat eu am gasit o cale extraordinara de dialog cu aceasta.

De ce isi fac unii blog?

Daca cineva isi face blog si pretinde ca acesta ar fi sau ar trebui sa se identifice cu pagina lui profesionala, e treaba lui. Nu cred intr-o astfel de promovare! Personal am alte pretentii!

Blogul e lumea virtuala in care gandurile zboara deasupra cerului cel mai inalt, e libertatea dupa care tanjim cu totii in strafundul nostru si pe care aici o revarsam in liniste si pace. E detasarea de dominatie si dominion.Blogul a ajuns un al 2-lea Eu pentru unii; isi publica pana si jurnalul intim. Ei bine, chiar cu asta nu sunt de acord! Viata mea nu poate fi o banala carte deschisa pentru oricine stie sa faca dublu click pe o pagina de net!

Ce personaje negative intalnim pe net?

  1. Mitocanii - intotdeauna rau-intentionati, ei vor sa aduca nori in aceasta frumusete celestiana creata in imaginatia ta, vor sa murdareasca lumea creata de tine, nu suporta lumina ta personala si feerica, este invidios si rau pana in maduva oaselor. Acestia iti intra in “viata” ca si cum ar intra cu bocancii in suflet fara sa-ti ceara voie, te iau la palme, te jignesc, fara ca tu sa ai vreo vina decat aceea de a avea nenorocul sa te intersectezi intamplator cu ei in lumea asta imensa.
  2. Idiotii – astia sunt “manipulati” de pozele din avataruri. Hahaha! Cum poate fi un om atat de cretin incat sa admita ca orice avatar reprezinta persoana din spatele acestuia? Ma bufneste rasul. Cata tembelizare! Pai daca as fi fost atat de naiva, cred ca pana acum ma puteam lauda cu niste prietenii de milioane (de euro :)): Banderas, Keanu Reaves, Britney Spears, Madonna s.o. Hahahaa... A pretinde cuiva sa-si posteze propria poza la avatar este o nebunie.Aceeasi nebunie paranoica este si a pretinde unui bloger sa-si scrie numele si prenumele real, telefon, adresa. Pana aici au ajuns unii sa intinda idiotenia! nascuta din paranoia lor. Semnele bolii sunt mult incrustate in mintea lor cetoasa si multipersonalizata.
  3. Hartuitorii – avem si din astia. Daca-i ignori, continua sa te bombardeze cu e-mailuri (daca le stie), cu mesaje vulgare sau de amenintare. Ce le putem face astora? E trist si periculos ca pe Blogger nu exita optiunea de a da IGNOR sau BLOCK unui asemenea retardat! E singurul site (din cate cunosc) in care aceasta absolut necesara optiune NU EXISTA! Cum ne putem totusi apara de asemenea personaje?

Ecstazia netului continua sa ma tina in brate. Imi place sa discut cu nestiutul si sa patrund in necunoscut. Ce ma intereseaza pe mine daca tu, cititorule, esti om de afaceri, VIP sau Very Important Papagal (cum zicea Becali) atata vreme cat eu te-am ales din atatea alte milioane sa discuti cu mine? Te cer de sot, ma iei de nevasta? Nu, doar incerc sa ingemanez niste ganduri, idei, pareri, obiectiuni cu oameni care-mi impartasesc aceleasi pasiuni. Daca am un punct de plecare luminos si drumul este incitant, surprinzator de adanc, poti ramane in lumea mea pana la capat, dar daca esti unul dintre cei 3 “Negativisti” intelege ca jocul s-a sfarsit in secunda in care ai spart linistea mea.

Navigare buna si vant la pupa!

Nothing is hidden


Source: Wikipedia

is the capacity to recognize or understand another's state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself. Empathy does not necessarily imply compassion, because this capacity can be present in context of compassionate or cruel behavior.


The English word is derived from the Greek ἐμπάθεια (empatheia), "physical affection, passion, partiality" which comes from ἐν (en), "in, at" + πάθος (pathos), "feeling". The term was adapted by Theodore Lipps to create the German word Einfühlung ("feeling into") from which the English term is then more directly derived.

Since empathy involves understanding the emotions of other people, the way it is characterized is derivative of the way emotions themselves are characterized. If for example, emotions are taken to be centrally characterized by bodily feelings, then grasping the bodily feelings of another will be central to empathy. On the other hand, if emotions are more centrally characterized by combinations of beliefs and desires, then grasping these beliefs and desires will be more essential to empathy. Furthermore, a distinction should be made between deliberately imagining being another person, or being in their situation, and simply recognizing their emotion. The ability to imagine oneself as another person is a sophisticated imaginative process. However the basic capacity to recognize emotions is probably innate and may be achieved unconsciously. Yet it can be trained, and achieved with various degrees of intensity or accuracy.

The human capacity to recognize the bodily feelings of another is related to one's imitative capacities, and seems to be grounded in the innate capacity to associate the bodily movements and facial expressions one sees in another with the proprioceptive feelings of producing those corresponding movements or expressions oneself. Humans also seem to make the same immediate connection between the tone of voice and other vocal expressions and inner feeling. See neurological basis below.

There is some debate concerning how exactly the conscious experience (or phenomenology) of empathy should be characterized. The basic idea is that by looking at the facial expressions or bodily movements of another, or by hearing their tone of voice, one may get an immediate sense of how they feel (as opposed to more intellectually noting the behavioral symptoms of their emotion).Though empathic recognition is likely to involve some form of arousal in the empathiser, they may not experience this feeling as belonging to their own body, but instead likely to perceptually locate the feeling 'in' the body of the other person. Alternatively the empathiser may instead get a sense of an emotional 'atmosphere' or that the emotion belongs equally to all the parties involved.

More fully developed empathy requires more than simply recognizing another's emotional state. Since emotions are typically directed towards objects or states of affairs, the empathiser may first require some idea of what that object might be (where object can include imaginary objects, concepts, other people, or even the empathiser). Alternatively the recognition of the feeling may precede the recognition of the object of that emotion, or even aid the empathiser in discovering the object of the other's emotion. The empathiser may also need to determine how the emotional state affects the way in which the other perceives the object. For example, the empathizer needs to determine which aspects of the object to focus on. Hence it is often not enough that the empathiser recognize the object toward which the other is directed, plus the bodily feeling, and then simply add these components together. Rather the empathiser needs to find the way into the loop where perception of the object affects feeling and feeling affects the perception of the object.

A person might sense that a friend is feeling annoyed via facial, vocal or postural expression. A person might sense that the friend is annoyed due to not getting what he wants, (general object of emotion); because he missed his train, (particular object of emotion); because he missed his train, but only by a few seconds, (focus of particular object); because he only just missed his train and he had an important meeting to get to, (background non-psychological context); or because he only just missed his train, and he had an important meeting and because he is generally an irritable sort of person (character traits).

Contrast with other phenomena

Empathy is distinct from sympathy, pity, emotional contagion, and telepathy. Sympathy is the feeling of compassion for another, the wish to see them better off or happier. Pity is feeling that another is in trouble and in need of help as they cannot fix their problems themselves, often described as "feeling sorry" for someone. Emotional contagion is when a person (especially an infant or a member of a mob) imitatively 'catches' the emotions that others are showing without necessarily recognizing this is happening (Hatfield et al 1994). Telepathy is not a psychological phenomenon, but a supposedly paranormal phenomenon, whereby emotions or other mental states can be read directly, without needing to infer, or perceive expressive clues about the other person.

Pity is, "Things are bad for you, you seem as though you need help."
Sympathy is, "I'm sorry for your sadness, I wish to help."
Emotional Contagion is, "You feel sad and now I feel sad."
Empathy is, "I recognize how you feel."
Apathy is, "I don't care how you feel. "
Telepathy is, "I read your sadness without you expressing it to me in any normal way."
Schadenfreude is “Things are bad for you and I feel good about that.”

Lack of empathy

Some psychologists, psychiatrists, and other scientists believe that not all humans have an ability to feel empathy or perceive the emotions of others. For instance, Autism and related conditions such as Asperger's syndrome are often (but not always) characterized by an apparent reduced ability to empathize with others. The interaction between empathy and autism spectrum disorders is a complex and ongoing field of research. According to recent fMRI studies the syndrome of alexithymia, a condition in which an individual is rendered incapable of recognising and articulating emotional arousal in self or others, is responsible for a severe lack of emotional empathy. The lack of empathetic attunement inherent to alexithymic states may reduce quality and satisfaction of relationships.

According to Simon Baron-Cohen's ideas, an absence of empathy might also be related to an absence of theory of mind (i.e., the ability to model another's world view using either a theory-like analogy between oneself and others, or the ability to simulate pretend mental states and then apply the consequences of these simulations to others). Again with regard to autism, not all autistics fit this pattern, and the theory remains controversial, and does not differentiate between cognitive empathy and affective empathy, nor do autistic people lack compassion. Francesca Happe showed that autistic children who demonstrate a lack of theory of mind (cognitive empathy) lack theory of mind for self as well as for others.

In contrast, psychopaths are seemingly able to demonstrate the appearance of sensing the emotions of others with such a theory of mind, often demonstrating care and friendship in a convincing manner, and can use this ability to charm or manipulate, but they crucially lack the sympathy or compassion that empathy often leads to. However, it has been claimed that components of circuitry involved in empathy may also be dysfunctional in psychopathy (Tunstall N., Fahy T. and McGuire P. in: Guide to Neuroimaging in Psychiatry, Eds. Fu C et al, Martin Dunitz: London 2003). Empathy certainly does not guarantee benevolence. The same ability may underlie schadenfreude (taking pleasure in the pain of another entity) and sadism (being sexually gratified through the infliction of pain or humiliation on another person).

In philosophy

In the 2007 book "The Ethics of Care and Empathy," philosopher Michael Slote introduces a theory of care-based ethics that is grounded in empathy. His claim is that moral motivation does, and should stem from a basis of empathic response. He claims that our natural reaction to situations of moral significance are explained by empathy. He explains that the limits and obligations of empathy and in turn morality are natural. These natural obligations include a greater empathic, and moral obligation to family and friends, along with an account of temporal and physical distance. In situations of close temporal and physical distance, and with family or friends, our moral obligation seems stronger to us than with strangers at a distance naturally. Slote explains that this is due to empathy and our natural empathic ties. He further adds that actions are wrong if and only if they reflect or exhibit a deficiency of fully developed empathic concern for others on the part of the agent.

In phenomenology, empathy is used to describe the experience in which one experiences what the Other experiences. It should not, however, be understood as some kind of magical or telepathic connection, but rather as the experience of experiencing something from the Other's viewpoint. In the most basic sense, this is the experience of the Other's body, and in this sense, it is an experience of "my body over there." In most other respects, however, the experience is modified so that what is experienced is experienced as being the Other's experience; in experiencing empathy, what is experienced is not "my" experience, even though I experience it. Empathy is also considered to be the condition of intersubjectivity, and, as such, the source of the constitution of objectivity.