Green is the feeling of happiness Green is the feeling of success and satisfaction Green is a pray-mantis hopping around in the garden Green is the feeling you get on a great holiday Green is a colour that is safe and alive.
iti place omu'? mie da. in ciuda urii profunde a americanilor fata de acest Obama pe care-l compara cu cele mai sinistre exemple de conducatori: hitler, marx, lenin, osama ... problema de fond care deranjeaza enorm sunt sigura ca e doar...culoarea pielii! asta pana la proba contrarie!
3 comentarii:
Have compassion 4 all beings, rich & poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer 2 much, others 2 little. - Buddha
Your task is not 2 seek 4 love but merely 2 seek & find all the barriers within yourself that U have built against it. Rumi
Genius is eternal patience. Michelangelo
Given time we all fade into the dreams of the night... Live now!
aferim, Obama.
iti place omu'? mie da. in ciuda urii profunde a americanilor fata de acest Obama pe care-l compara cu cele mai sinistre exemple de conducatori: hitler, marx, lenin, osama ... problema de fond care deranjeaza enorm sunt sigura ca e doar...culoarea pielii! asta pana la proba contrarie!
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