Peace from Within

luni, iunie 15, 2009

My guitar

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Come inside of my guitar
There's a garden full of star
Shinning to tingle your desire
To hear me even you're afar
For the wind will surely whisper
deep in your hear to remember
my love to thee will be forever.

I wish u a new week full with the music of stars.

Hugs, Shanti

2 comentarii:

roxana spunea...

O chitara la malul marii, pentru mine, inseamna atat de mult! Mi-e dor de mare, mi-e dor sa ascult acorduri de chitara, sa simt valul cum plange pe glezna mea...

Shanti spunea...


hehehe...carui romantic sau indragostit nu-i place marea sau chitara? in adolescenta cantam la chitara si faceam niste petreceri de pomina. doamne, ce frumos era pe atunci!